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MobileWright Solutions helps state, federal, and tribal environmental regulators apply software solutions to optimize the inspection, registration, and tracking of aboveground and underground storage tank systems.

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Current News

Oct 2024 -Year End Metrics
9,711 electronic on-site UST compliance inspections were completed in from Oct 2023 through Sept 2024 with MobileWright's UST Inspector software by 10 state UST programs within 6 EPA regions. 1,673 other inspections (AST compliance, remediation, UST closure, UST install, complaint, delivery prohibition tagging,   etc...) were also completed.

Sept 2024 -LA DEQ Remediation Inspections
MobileWright has enhanced the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality's UST inspection software to handle remediation inspections at non-UST facilities.

Aug 2023 - Tribal Lands Environmental Forum
MobileWright was honored to demonstrate the Facility Specific Compliance Plan (FASCOMP) website at the Tribal Lands Environmental Forum. The FASCOMP website will be used to provide UST compliance plans to each of the 900+ tribal facilities accross the country. FASCOMP is being developed by MobileWright in parnership with the UST divisions of NEIWPCC and the US EPA.

Sept 2022 - Tanks Conference
MobileWright demonstrated the UST Inspector software during the "UST Compliance Technology" session and in the exhibit hall at the 2022 National Tanks Conference in Pittsburgh. If you missed it, then see the presentation with demonstrations links and/or request an on-line demonstration .  Here's a photo of MobileWright's booth in the exhibit hall.

Feb 2022 - WV DEP Implementation
The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WV DEP) is live with the UST and AST Inspector software. The new system not only performs inspections and tracks enforcement but also manages all AST/UST data including tank registrations, closures, leaking tanks, fees/invoicing, and reporting.
May 2021 -
The Shoshone-Bannock Tribe has selected the software for UST compliance inspections of facilities on tribal lands.  If you'd like MobileWright to house your program's UST data and host the UST Inspection software for your UST program, then contact us.

UST Inspector Software

MobileWright has implemented on-site UST inspection tools for the states of New Hampshire, Connecticut, Idaho, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, West Virginia, and Louisiana as well as the Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia.

MobileWright's "UST Inspector" software streamlines data entry and helps administrators and inspectors manage underground storage tank inspection data. This software can be customized to build a UST inspection application for any state, federal or tribal government agency.

MobileWright's UST Inspector software has been implemented for many state underground storage tank programs.

The UST Inspector system allows inspectors to:

  • Enter UST compliance results using an easy-to-use touch-screen program
  • Calculate citaions based on federal and/or state UST regulations
  • Electronically capture a facility representative’s signature
  • Email or print enforcement letters, photos, and diagrams on-site
  • Draw site diagrams
  • Test and certify class A/B operators in the field
  • Capture GPS coordinates
  • Attach on-site photos and/or voice notes
  • Manage and standardize compliance violation descriptions
  • Calculate EPA performance measures
  • Download of site and tank details and upload of inspection results from anywhere
  Click below to see video demostrations of the features
(Turn up the volume on your computer or phone):

Standardizing violation reports and reducing the research and paperwork time required for each inspection helps UST inspectors and administrators more effectively, fairly, and efficiently perform UST inspections resulting in:

  • More inspections per inspector
  • Improved data quality
  • Standardized and even-handed enforcement of regulations
  • Consistent and complete violation notices that instruct the facility owner how to come into compliance.

 For a more complete description the product benefits and services offered download the Product Specification.

This software has been designed to allow for customizations and enhancements to meet the needs of any state, federal or tribal UST inspection program. For example, the New Hampshire Department of Environment Services has used the UST Inspector system to perform both UST and AST compliance inspections since 2006. Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management has been using the UST Inspector program to perform install, closure, and compliance inspections since 2014. 

Click Here to view MobileWright's presentation at the 2022 National Tanks Conference in Pittsburgh.

Please email us at to schedule a demonstration or describe the unique requirements of your specific UST inspection program.

  • Allow MobileWright to host your programs UST database and inspection tools. 
  • Utilize the UST Inspector tool to gather data in the field and print and/or email enforcement letters on-site.
  • Easily track UST each facility's tanks, inspections and enforcement actions.
  • Utilize MobileWright's software and IT knowledge to add effiencies to your inspection processes.
  • Share your technology investment with other federal, state, tribal, and municipal programs.


MobileWright is offering the software to all UST programs.

The initial goal is to serve the UST programs that are without a facility registration database. The system will allow inspection programs that don’t have a lot of inspectors (tribal, municipal, etc…) or perform few inspections (like some EPA regions and maybe even small retailers) to utilize the software. will provide a high quality low cost UST inspection system for federal, state, municipal and commerical UST programs.


Allowing MobileWright host the UST Inspector tablet software and UST facility database for your UST program will allow you to: 

  • Utilize all the of the UST Inspector software like mobile data entry, on-site printing, GPS coordinate capture, site diagraming and other features without the headaches of managing a UST database
  • Utilize a simple intuitive website for managing UST facility data, reviewing inspection results, and tracking enforcement activity
  • Benefit from the software that is already in use in many state inspection programs.  State programs in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Idaho, North Carolina, the Virgin Islands, South Carolina, Rhode Island, West Virginia, and Louisiana have contributed to creating, enhancing, and optimizing the UST inspector software
  • Share development costs with other UST programs
  • Contribute your knowledge of UST regulations, UST systems, and UST inspections to improve the software

To get more information about MobileWright and our products and services please email at, call at 781-968-5245, or request a demostration.

© 2024 MobileWright Solutions 7 Lincoln St. #309A, Wakefield, MA 01880